As we head into autumn, leaves begin to fall from trees, creating dangerous slip hazards on driveways, car parks, paths and other areas where they may be heavy footfall.
Clearing leaves is important to maintain the safety of those walking in the area, but operating a leaf blower can present its own hazards so it’s important to follow some simple user tips to ensure safe operation.

Before using your blower, refer to your model’s instruction manual for a comprehensive guide to approved leaf blower operation.
Children should not, even with adult supervision, operate a leaf blower.
Leaf blowers should not be use whilst standing on a ladder, rooftop, tree or other unstable surface. Extension attachments are available to increase the reach and help clear high places such as gutters.
Do not operate a leaf blower if you are tired or unwell, taking medication, or if you have consumed drugs or alcohol.
A leaf blower should NOT be used to clean up:
Large amounts of gravel or gravel dust
Construction dirt
Plaster dust
Cement and concrete dust
Dry garden topsoil
6. When using any leaf blower, correct Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) should be worn.
Ear protection - This includes hearing protection (either ear plugs or earmuffs)
Eye protection - You should protect your eyes  from dirt and debris that may be blown around. We stock a number of goggles that meet eye protection standards.
Hand protection - You may choose to wear gloves to protect your hands, they should be heavy-duty and non-slip.
Body protection - Clothes should be snug-fitting and shoes should be sturdy. Avoid loose-fitting jackets, scarfs, necklaces, jewellery, flared or cuffed pants, and tie long hair back or anything else that could become drawn into the air intake.
Respiratory protection - Wear a respirator or dust mask as appropriate.

7. Handle the machine carefully - Refer to your model’s instruction manual for mixture information, as well as detailed instructions of the correct fueling procedure. Once you have the correct mixture, make sure the blower is clean, dry and its engine is turned off. After fuelling, store your fuel mixture in a well-ventilated area in a properly marked safety container.
If you'd like more information about Stihl Leaf Blowers, please don't hesitate to contact our team on 01432 373350 or email
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